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A distributor is someone who purchases stock from a seller and resells it. 

What should a clear distribution agreement include? 

Having a clear distribution agreement can go a long way towards avoiding a dispute occurring. 

An effective distribution agreement needs to: 

  • Be clear on what territory the distributor can sell the goods in 
  • Deal with issues of ownership and risk 
  • Deal with ownership of intellectual property in the goods and the right to use it 
  • Establish the way the price will be determined and the payment terms 

Funding options

To help clients manage the costs, our Dispute Resolution department offers a range of funding options. From traditional ‘pay by the hour’ arrangements to fixed fees in certain situations, our aim is to take the uncertainty out of the costs of litigating and, where appropriate, to share the risk with you.

Click here to learn more about how you can fund your case

We can also offer you an initial fixed fee review and advice on the merits of your case. Click here to learn more about our fixed fee options.

Speak to a distribution dispute solicitor

Our Dispute Resolution team are highly experienced in providing practical and pragmatic advice for those seeking to resolve a matter relating to a distribution agreement. Get in touch today for a no obligation discussion.

Contact Our Dispute Resolution Team

Key Contact

Nick Clarke

Nick Clarke

Senior Partner | Head of Dispute Resolution

Nick became the firm’s Senior Partner in 2019, having been with Aaron & Partners for over 20 years, and he sits on the firm’s management board. He also leads the Dispute Resolution team.

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