If a partner in a business, or member of an LLP, is underperforming or behaving in a way that is detrimental to the organisation, it’s a serious issue that must be addressed before lasting damage is done to the business.
Contact Us About Removing a Partner from a Partnership
We have experience in conducting internal investigations, chairing independent disciplinary committees and advising numerous firms and individuals on how to remove a partner from a partnership.
The harm inflicted on your business may be down to the partner’s conduct, lack of commitment or inability to carry out their responsibilities. If not tackled promptly, the damage to your bottom line and your reputation could be significant.
Extricating a partner from an agreement can be difficult and acrimonious. With the assistance of our specialist partnership law solicitors, however, you should be able to reach a satisfactory outcome without delay and with minimal impact on the running of your business.
Our team includes mediators and an arbitrator. If your existing agreement provides for either of these we also accept independent appointments under agreements into an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) role.
Agree a settlement, even without a partnership agreement
A partnership or LLP agreement usually forms the basis of any business partnership. This mutually agreed document should cover all possible eventualities, including the removal of a partner. When such a time arises, appropriate legal assistance can help to implement the terms of the agreement.
In addition to the agreed contract, there are legally enforceable employment rights around discrimination to take into account, whether the individual concerned is classed as self-employed or not. Failing to abide fully by these employment rights could leave your organisation vulnerable to legal action.
As well as dealing with the partner’s removal, there are also broader issues to consider, such as how the partnership’s property and profits will be allocated moving forward and how to protect clients and staff.
If you don’t have a partnership or LLP agreement, our experienced legal team is skilled at negotiating a mutually acceptable deal, even when the partner is reluctant to leave.
Achieve the outcome you desire
As soon as doubts arise about the suitability of a partner, it’s wise to take expert advice. Ignoring the issue or attempting to engage with the legal intricacies yourself as a non-specialist could be problematic and time consuming and even then your experience will be lacking. Our expertise means we can get to the heart of the issues and help resolve them quickly.
At Aaron & Partners, we can advise and assist you in all matters relating to the removal of a partner. With our expertise in this potentially problematic legal area, you can rest assured in the knowledge that the issue will be dealt with swiftly and expertly.
As our team includes mediators and an arbitrator we also accept independent appointments and can offer an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) solution
Partners want you removed
When difficulties arise within a partnership or LLP, it’s essential not to let any difference of opinion have a negative impact on the value of the business.
If a situation occurs where you are under pressure from your partners or fellow LLP members to leave the partnership, it’s also essential to ensure your rights are not being infringed.
With our expert knowledge of partnership and LLP law, we can guide you through any such disputes to ensure a beneficial and stress-free outcome.
Know your rights
Sometimes partnerships don’t work out because the partners’ working relationship simply breaks down. If your partner(s) ask you to leave, you have rights either under a partnership or LLP agreement or under the Partnership of LLP Act. Whether a 50 50 partner on not, you need to know how to exit a partnership.
When no partnership agreement exists, partners must conform to the Partnership Act 1890 or Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000.
Our team includes mediators and an arbitrator. Using our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service is simple and often cost effective. If you have a partnership deed check the terms of it and nominate us. You can use the form attached to start the process [FORM LINK].
Negotiate a profitable exit strategy
Any kind of dispute between partners is damaging to everyone concerned, as well as the business as a whole. At Aaron & Partners, we can help you reach a satisfactory outcome without the situation dissolving into an acrimonious dispute.
When you have to leave a partnership, under whatever circumstances, our skilled legal guidance will help you obtain compensation wherever possible for your contribution to the success of the business.
Key Contact

Nick Clarke
Senior Partner | Head of Dispute Resolution
Nick became the firm’s Senior Partner in 2019, having been with Aaron & Partners for over 20 years, and he sits on the firm’s management board. He also leads the Dispute Resolution team.