When a business partnership reaches an irrevocable end, specialist legal know-how is invaluable in dissolving the partnership in a mutually agreeable and legally binding way.
Whether the partnership is ending as a result of a personal dispute between partners or because of disappointing business results, our extensive experience of partnership law means we are able to steer you through this difficult period towards an agreeable conclusion.
Contact Our Team About Dissolving a Business Partnership
Manage an orderly break
With our assistance, you'll be able to make clear, informed decisions regarding key issues such as staff and property and the division of assets.
Much of this should be covered in your partnership agreement, if you have one, which makes the process quicker and more cordial. If you don't have a partnership agreement, or if it doesn't cover some key areas of concern for the firm or any individual, legal advice is a must.
If your organisation is an LLP, it's classed as a corporate body and, as such, will follow a different dissolution process to that of a general partnership. Whatever your arrangement, Aaron & Partners can help you dissolve you partnership with stress-free certainty and legal professionalism.
Maximise your assets
The dissolution of a partnership can be a lengthy process, often resulting in the loss of assets. With our advice, we'll help you reach a satisfactory conclusion as quickly as possible, with the minimum disruption and anxiety.
Where possible, we'll help to negotiate a settlement to any disputes. This may mean it's no longer necessary to dissolve the partnership – enabling you to retain more assets than would typically be possible following dissolution.
Key Contact

Nick Clarke
Senior Partner | Head of Dispute Resolution
Nick became the firm’s Senior Partner in 2019, having been with Aaron & Partners for over 20 years, and he sits on the firm’s management board. He also leads the Dispute Resolution team.